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24/7 – BER Conference

Towards a Globally Just Berlin– Transforming the City Together

Friday, September 20, 2024, 9 AM – 8 PM at Berlin Global Village

>> Click here for German version <<

24/7 – For years, BER and its members have been working together on the vision of One World City Berlin: a globally just, anti-racist, and sustainable city. We are guided by the question of how to collectively transform our city. With this in mind, we are committed to a development policy that aims to dismantle global injustices shaped by racism, capitalism, patriarchy, and colonialism, in collaboration with actors in the city.

We would like to invite you to join us in discussing strategies to transfor the city and gathering inspiration from good examples and alliances from practice. Our goal is to consider global justice and to strengthen grassroots democracy, decolonization, fair economy, and partnerships between the Global North and the Global South in urban society.

The aim of the conference is to create spaces for discussion and networking, exchange ideas for political practice, strengthen alliances and share knowledge through two discussion panels as well as a variety of workshop formats.

Register here for the event.

9 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.: Arrival and Registration
9:30 a.m. – 9:45 a.m.: Welcome

9:45 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.: Panel 1 | Shaping the Socio-Ecological Transformation of Cities in a Globally Just Way (with English translation)

Discussion with Anton Brokow-Loga (Bauhaus-University Weimar), Oumarou F. Mfochivé (Konzeptwerk Neue Ökonomie), and Leona Pröpper (Watch Indonesia!)

How can Berlin become a post-growth city without it being at the expense of the Global South? What potential lies in South-North partnerships?

More Information on Panel 1

Urban centers are places whose high resource consumption significantly fuels climate change. At the same time, they are places where utopias for climate-neutral cities are tested, utopias which can disseminate globally: in practice, these consist in alternative economic systems. To ensure that these alternative forms of economic organization neither cause negative impacts on a global scale, nor on the so called Global South, global justice must play a crucial role in climate-neutral approaches.

South-North partnerships play an important role in this, as they create spaces for encounter, in which changes can be worked on collaboratively. Partnership work also raises awareness of global injustices. Many municipalities in Berlin, civil society organizations, and (higher) education institutions are engaged in partnerships of that kind. Nevertheless, the demands of diasporic groups within the Global North and social movements in the Global South remain often invisibilized in this form of collaborative work. This remains also true for predominantly white social-ecological transformation debates. The demand for reparations or a rethinking of debt policies present only a few examples of this gap.

The panel addresses the following questions: How can Berlin become a post-growth city without it being at the expense of the Global South? What potential lies in South-North partnerships?

11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.: Morning Activities

A1 Workshop | Decolonization and Socio-Ecological Transformation in Jakarta, Mexico City, Windhoek and Berlin (in English)

 Organizers: Berliner Entwicklungspolitischer Ratschlag, Afrikarat Berlin-Brandenburg, Mexico vía Berlin, Watch Indonesia!

With guests from partner organizations Namibia Institute for Democracy (Windhoek), Casa Tochán (Mexico-City) and Wahana Lingkungan Hidup Indonesia – WALHI (Jakarta)

The cities of Berlin, Jakarta, Mexico City, and Windhoek are very different yet face a number of similar challenges: impacts of climate change, urbanization, and neocolonial continuities. They are also united as the three cities of Global South, also maintain partnerships with Berlin. Since 2024, civil society actors in the three cities and Berlin have been building networks to develop local solutions for global challenges.

The workshop aims to facilitate the exchange of civil society approaches in the fields of socio-ecological transformation and urban decolonization in the four cities and explore the possibilities of city partnership collaboration.

Information on the civil society model project

A2 Discussion Forum | Translocal and Transcultural Neighborhood Spaces – How Can I Make Community Work Globally Just?

Organizers: Neighborhood House at Körnerpark

People in Berlin’s neighborhoods often bring with them diverse identities, cultural affiliations, and social practices that are not always recognized. Their connections to their countries of origin and their diverse social relationships across national borders constitute the reality for many people belonging to diaspora communities, something that is often invisible to outsiders. This invisibility is often based on monocultural (white-dominated) assumptions.

We want to discuss how this can be changed and what role community work plays in this: How can we transform the practice of work in local forums such as neighborhood houses, multi-generational houses, religious community centers, and other forms of neighborhood meeting places so that translocal and global issues are more strongly considered, leading to a shift in perspective?

Our discussion forum is primarily aimed at employees of community work within local social spaces. We want to engage in conversation with you to reflect on issues of global justice in the neighborhood.

A3 Workshop and Safer Space | Empowerment with Spoken Word (Part 1)

Initiative Perspektivwechsel e.V                                             

The workshop will continue in the afternoon (see A14).

The workshop is aimed at the Afro-diaspora/people of African descent.

Language is power. And putting thoughts and feelings into words empowers! Together, we want to exchange ideas about our place in the city. How do we move as Black people in the city? Which community spaces do we visit? What makes us strong?

Using Spoken Word, a mix of poetry, rap, and performance, we want to go on a journey of discovery to find out what nurtures us in Berlin and what habits and realities we would rather leave behind.

A4 Seminar | Funding Opportunities for Development Policy Projects

Organizer: Stiftung Nord-Süd-Brücken

Are you a registered nonprofit organization based in East Germany or Berlin? Do you wish to implement a development policy project with your partner organization in the Global South? Then Stiftung Nord-Süd-Brücken is the right place for you. We administer funding from the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) through the EZ Small Projects Fund (EZ KPF) to nonprofit organizations in East Germany and Berlin, and we offer diverse consulting and training opportunities.

Perhaps your project is based in Berlin or East Germany? There are also several funding programs available at the foundation for domestic development policy projects. For instance, we will explore the BIKO Fund and the NGO funding program offered by LEZ.

In this seminar, we aim to discuss the various funding opportunities available for your project ideas at Stiftung Nord-Süd-Brücken. You will have the opportunity to outline your project ideas in groups, and together we will consider whether and in which funding program of the foundation they could be supported.

A5 Workshop | Doing Nothing! Facilitation in Development Policy Work
Organizer: BER e.V.

                                                                                                                                                                                             24/7 global, just, anti-racist, sustainable, and … exhausted? How can we manage to be productive, work together joyfully, and avoid burnout at the same time?

This workshop explores the approach, attitude, and methods of facilitating group dynamic processes. How can we apply aspects of facilitation to our work? What lessons can we draw from facilitation for our daily tasks?

Following an introductory session, participants are invited to engage in practical exchanges.

The workshop concludes with a brief presentation of the BER offering on action-oriented consulting for organizational development.

A6 Discussion Forum | (re)searching urbanity. What Happens When We Connect?

Organizer: (re)searching urbanity

In 2022, students from various disciplines in Berlin came together to explore how to create a space outside of academic contexts, in which research can be presented and people interested in urban politics can join. What happens when activists, artists, and scholars engaged in queer-feminist, decolonial, and anti-racist urban practices join forces? These discussions led to the creation of the (re)searching urbanity symposium at the Floating University, where in August 2023, 300 participants attended nearly 30 events on critical urban research. We would like to introduce ourselves and engage in conversation with you.

A7 Talk and Discussion | The Spree is at the AmAzonas: Representatives of the Munduruku Indigenous Community on Climate Justice and Partnership (in Portuguese/German)

Organizer: Initiative Berlin aktiv im Klima-Bündnis

The event will be held in Portuguese with German translation.

Guests: We welcome indigenous activist Alessandra Korap Munduruku as our guest. She is the chairperson of the Associação Indígena Pariri, which represents eleven indigenous villages of the Middle Tapajós River. We also welcome the indigenous leader Jairo Saw Munduruku from the village of Sawre Aboy and Marquinho Mota, project coordinator of FAOR – Fórum da Amazônia Oriental.

Everyone is affected by the consequences of the global environmental crisis: whether in the Amazon, Germany, or in Berlin specifically. If deforestation in the Amazon rainforest continues, it won’t be possible to curb global warming and species extinction. The best chances of preserving the rainforest exist when the rights of indigenous communities are respected and protected. Since 1992, Berlin has been a member of the „Climate Alliance of European Cities with Indigenous Peoples of the Rainforests,“ an alliance that has at its core the partnership and political support for indigenous communities in the Amazon rainforests.

Since 2022, a coalition of member groups from BER – the initiative „Berlin actively engaged in the Climate Alliance“ – has been supporting the establishment and operation of a Munduruku cultural and educational center as part of a long-term Climate Alliance partnership. Additionally, the initiative strengthens civil society activities in education, information, and networking in Berlin, focusing on political dialogue with Amazonia. This promotes partnership with the Munduruku and underscores that rainforest preservation, protection of indigenous communities, and global climate justice are inherently interconnected.

We introduce the initiative and its activities. Our guests will discuss the establishment of the cultural and educational center and their struggles against the destruction of their habitats and for their rights.

A8 Workshop | Shaping City Policies Globally Fair – How Do We Build Fair Communities Together?

Organizers: Afrikarat Berlin- Brandenburg e.V., Bezirksamt Lichtenberg von Berlin, Bezirksamt Berlin Mitte

The workshop invites you to an open discussion about practical ways of shaping globally just municipalities. Together with you, we would like to reflect on the possibilities for fair economies, globally responsible North-South partnerships and democratic participation in urban politics. The focus will be on cooperation between Berlin’s civil society and district and Senate administrations: How can civil society issues be brought more strongly into the municipalities and implemented there?

After a brief input on the importance of municipalities in overcoming multiple global crises and the presentation of practical examples, the aim is to work together on the challenges. The aim of the workshop is to develop initial ideas for a globally just municipality. The results of the workshop can be used for future cooperation.

Representatives and employees from Berlin’s district offices, senate administrations and civil society are cordially invited to attend.

The workshop will be documented using the graphic recording method, whereby the content will be professionally recorded graphically in real time.

A9 Discussion Forum | The Decolonial Memorial in Berlin Global Village – Artistic Reflections

Organizer: AFROTAK TV cyberNomads

Through transnational civil society interventions, discourses on genocide and exploitation in former German colonies are increasingly entering societal awareness. Transgenerational traumas of affected communities and critical examination of the privileges of white and migrant-diasporic NGOs within the development policy center Berlin Global Village (BGV), inspired Michael Küppers-Adebisi to conceive an international art competition for Berlin Global Village. As Diversity Referent, he centered the discourse on colonial, postcolonial, and neocolonial continuities and power asymmetries within BGV as a social body in the process of realization. The memorial is titled „EarthNest“ and will be inaugurated on September 13 between the two buildings of the center. Together, we will explore the new artwork and discuss its contribution to realizing a decolonial vision and implications for contemporary decolonial aesthetics.

A10 Discussion | Decolonial Urban Research – Reproduction of ‘Race’ and Whiteness in Neukölln and Wedding

Organizer: Aufbruch – New Research Spaces for the Humanities and Cultural Sciences

How does Othering work in the city? The research project „Sensing ‚race,‘ whiteness and the nation: sonic and olfactory experiments through text and spaces of Berlin“ examines sounds and smells on Sonnenallee in Neukölln and streets in Wedding, and how they shape categories of race. The project participants will present initial findings, particularly concerning urban development and civil society. What urban stress is the population exposed to due to their surroundings? How do they experience criminalization and surveillance? And how does public life in the street act as a source of both threat and security? The subsequent discussion will also explore possibilities for collaboration between academia and civil society.

A11 Networking | Safer Space BI*PoC Network in Development Policy – Introduction and Networking

Organization Bi*PoC Netzwerk in entwicklungspolitischen NGOs

The BI*PoC Network is a platform for Black, Indigenous*, and People of Color colleagues within the NGO sector, advocating for the decolonization of the development policy sector. Together, we aim to create safer and empowering spaces where we address power structures embedded in our work and organizations. In a collaborative discussion, we will introduce our network and look forward to connecting with you.

1 p.m. – 2 p.m.: Lunch break
(Hot meals are available from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m.)

2 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.: Panel 2 | Critique of Power and Co-production as Foundations for Urban Transformation (with English translation)

With Tahera Ameer (Amadeu Antonio Foundation), Renée Eloundou (Decolonize Berlin Coordination Office), Saraya Gomis (Teacher, among other roles), Niloufar Tajeri (TU Berlin)

More Information on Panel 2

Civil society groups have long been demanding for the city of Berlin to be made more democratic and globally fairer. Rising rents, the restriction of public spaces, and colonial continuities not only evident in the education system; structural discrimination against racialized people in a postmigrant society manifests differently within Berlin’s twelve districts and the surrounding rural regions. What strategies for a globally just urban policy are needed to bring about sustainable change?

The panelists will shed light on their experiences from projects, participation processes and structures as civil society actors. Public spaces and spaces for participation play a central role here. How do we practically implement intersectional concepts in which different systems of injustice are addressed together? How do we deal with the appropriation of civil society approaches by institutions and the simultaneous transfer of state responsibility to civil society? How can participation formats for global justice in Berlin and the surrounding rural regions be made more critical of discrimination, more inclusive, broader and more diverse?

3:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.: Afternoon Activities

A12 Best Practice Format and Safer Space | Newcomer Women as Multipliers for Feminist Development Policy

Organizers: United Action Women and Girls e.V. und Halle 36 

This event is aimed exclusively at women.

In a Best Practice format, newcomer women share their experiences and discuss from a non-white perspective what intersectional feminism means and the role of self-empowerment in it. What does feminist solidarity between cities and rural areas mean in this context, considering different experiences as women? What conclusions can be drawn for feminist development policy work within the country?

A13 Workshop | Berlin’s Resource Consumption – Globally Just?

Organizers: inkota-Netzwerk, Eine Welt-Promotor*innen-Programm Berlin

Berlin’s high consumption of metallic resources is globally unjust. During the extraction of metals such as lithium, gold, or cobalt, human rights violations occur in the Global South and the environment is destroyed. Is transitioning to a circular economy the solution?

The event will first provide basic information about the problems in the raw materials sector and possible solutions for a circular economy. Following this, we will exchange ideas with Berlin initiatives working in various areas towards a circular city. Included in the program::

  • Zero-Waste-Agency
  • Circular Berlin

Together, we aim to discuss how a transformation towards a circular economy in Berlin must be structured to contribute to greater global justice.

A14 Workshop and Safer Space | Empowerment with Spoken Word (Part 2)

Organizer: Initiative Perspektivwechsel e.V.

Continuation of the morning workshop (see A3).

This workshop is aimed at the Afro-diaspora/people of African descent.

Language is power. Expressing thoughts and feelings in words empowers! Together, we want to exchange ideas about our place in the city. How do we navigate the city as Black individuals? Which community spaces do we frequent? What strengthens us?

Through Spoken Word, a blend of poetry, rap, and performance, we will embark on a journey of exploration to discover what nourishes us in Berlin and which habits and realities we’d prefer to leave behind.

A15 Workshop | Black-White Coalition Work for a City-wide Decolonization Process

Organizer: Decolonize Berlin e.V.

                                                                                                                          How can black-white coalition work initiate solidarity-based decolonization processes?

The coordination team at Decolonize Berlin has formulated measures and political demands through a broad participatory process to initiate decolonization processes in Berlin and make visible civil society perspectives and needs. The outcomes are based on the experiences and demands of those affected, who have been fighting against colonial domination and oppression locally and globally for centuries.

The work of the coordination team covers many issues – this workshop will focus, for example, on shaping public spaces and repatriating ancestral remains from colonial contexts.

Together, we will explore how to center Black perspectives and use them as a starting point for solidarity-based coalition work.

A16 Networking | Migrant Grassroots Work – Exchange of Experiences based on the „Anmeldung für Alle“ Campaign

Organizer: Ciudad Migrante

In the format of a „World Café,“ we aim to exchange experiences with other organizations, using examples from our practice to engage in dialogue. We will discuss the history, content, and goals of the „Anmeldung für Alle“ campaign, as well as the political principles guiding Ciudad Migrante both within the campaign and more broadly. Lastly, we will present our coalition work within the campaign and opportunities for collaboration.

Through three thematic table rounds, we will open discussions on the following topics:

1) Self-organization and grassroots work (Our input: Origins of AfA

2) Problem analysis: Access to basic rights for migrants and demands on the state (Our input: AfA demands)

3) Coalition work (Our input: AfA today and opportunities for collaboration within the campaign).

At the end, all tables will come together for a final discussion to compile the results.

The goal is to learn about the political principles of other organizations in the field of the right to the city and migrant self-organization, and to find paths for collaboration.

A17 Workshop | Connecting the Dots – Histories of Oppression and Resistance in Berlin

Organizers: glokal e.V. and ISD-Bund e.V.                                                  

In mainstream historical narratives, there are countless gaps. Many stories that are crucial for shaping our present and imagining possible futures have yet to be written.

To begin filling these gaps, we have developed the eLearning tool Connecting the Dots , which collects insightful quotes from people across epochs, continents, and diverse societal perspectives (in terms of class, gender, sexuality, and racialization).

In this workshop, we will explore perspectives on power, oppression, resistance, and liberation using quotes from people after whom streets in Berlin have been and will be renamed (May Ayim and Anton Wilhelm Amo), as well as quotes from people after whom streets were previously named (Gustav Nachtigal and Carl Peters).

This workshop serves as an introduction to the timeline method developed by glokal and the accompanying eLearning tool Connecting the Dots. Participants will gain an understanding of historical contexts and learn how to apply this knowledge in their educational work. „Working with a postcolonial timeline allows for the transmission of marginalized historical knowledge, thus creating visibility for these perspectives. At the same time, participants learn about the diversity and constructed nature of the world and knowledge through this multiperspectival approach. The quotes surprise, confront, question thought patterns, and empower“ (from the glokal publication 2017: Connecting the Dots: Learning from Histories of Oppression and Resistance).

The workshop introduces the timeline method, presents available teaching materials, and provides space for reflection and exchange on the application possibilities, including work with various target groups (e.g., empowerment, racism awareness, development cooperation, history education, urban history).

A18 Film Screening | Documentary on Memory Cultures: Echoes of Remembrance

Organizer: EPIZ e.V. – Zentrum für Globales Lernen in Berlin

The film follows the journey of the „AG Erinnern“ (Memory Working Group) from Theodor-Heuss-Schule in Moabit to Oklahoma, USA. The participants, aged 15 to 24, explore U.S. remembrance culture related to the Holocaust and Black History: How do different communities commemorate their histories? What does „remembrance“ mean? And how can we apply lessons learned from the past to advocate for justice today and here? Together with activists and representatives from Jewish and Black communities, the students engage with urban sites.

After the screening, there will be an opportunity to discuss with the participants about their impressions and experiences from the journey, as well as to explore connections in memory work between Jewish and Black communities.

A19 Panel Discussion | Fair Berlin – Decolonial Berlin: Exploring the Connection between Fair Trade and Colonialism


Organizers: ASID Europe e.V. , Aktionsbündnis Fairer Handel Berlin,

Responsible for Municipal Development Policies of the District Offices Lichtenberg, Mitte, Treptow-Köpenick, and Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg

Fair trade initiatives in Berlin, driven by the state and district levels as well as civil society, face the challenge of reflecting on the colonial continuities inherent in global as well as fair trade practices. But what exactly are these continuities? How can they be dismantled? And what are the opportunities and limitations for Berlin’s fair trade actors?

Our panel discussion takes a decolonial perspective on fair trade, initiating critical reflection and highlighting recommendations from experts from both the Global South and Global North.

A20 Discussion and Networking | How to Succeed in Development Policy Work in Local Communities?

Organizer: Stephanus Stiftung

Global injustice is reflected in our own city and surroundings. For development organizations, creating change here is often more immediate and feasible than in the Global South.

As a foundation, we implement neighborhood projects in various Berlin districts, especially on the outskirts of the city. We want to discuss with you how issues related to global justice can be more effectively integrated and rooted in local neighborhoods.

We aim to explore: How can stakeholders in community and social work better embrace development policy perspectives and themes, especially where development actors are not strongly represented? What role does social disadvantage play within the city?

Additionally, we will introduce local resources where you can establish contacts and collaborations in the neighborhoods.

From 5:30 p.m.: Closing the event together

Evening events

6 p.m. – 8 p.m.: Bicycle Tour in Neukölln – Colonial Traces and Decolonial Interventions

Organizer: Decolonize Berlin e.v.  und ISD-Bund e.V.

In the urban space of Berlin, many traces of colonialism can be found. Some of these traces are already contextualized through explanatory plaques that enable new perspectives and discourses. On the bicycle tour with Tahir Della from ISD-Bund (One World Promoter for Decolonization), we will visit sites with colonial connections in Neukölln. Starting at 6:00 p.m., we will visit the „Herero Stone“ and the memorial plaque at the Garrison Cemetery. The second stop is Lucy-Lameck-Straße, representing a shift in perspective in public space: honoring anti-colonial resistance. The tour concludes at Berlin Global Village, where a „Decolonial Memorial“ prompts reflection on colonialism and its consequences.

6 p.m. – 7 p.m.: Tour 1 through the Kindl-Areal – Withdrawn from the Market and Dedicated to the Common Good


Organizer: TRNSFRM eG and Vollgut eG

The Kindl-Areal is a place in Berlin-Neukölln that houses projects focusing on art and culture, civil society engagement, and social services. The land has been leased out in perpetuity to stakeholders, preventing it from being sold on the speculative market. This ensures that the entire area is shielded from real estate speculation. Moreover, it allows for the integration of community-oriented initiatives into the city center without being pushed to the outskirts due to rising rent prices.

Join our thematic tour where we will begin with a brief overview of alternative land policies, followed by an exploration of the projects and offerings within the area. We will then delve deeper into the plans for the VOLLGUT building.

After the first part of the tour, you have the option to explore the Berlin Global Village, with a guided tour scheduled from 7:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Meeting point will be directly at the main entrance.

7 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.: Tour 2 through the Berlin Global Village – Civil Society Engagement in the Center of Berlin

Organizer: Berlin Global Village gGmbH

We would like to guide you through the Berlin Global Village (BGV). As part of the Kindl-Areal, the BGV has become a hub for political and social engagement in the heart of the city. Currently, more than 50 organizations are active in the two buildings. The BGV operates under a joint ownership model that includes participation from migrant self-organizations, serving as a model for sharing power, resources, and responsibility with the migrant and diasporic urban society, challenging the predominantly white NGO structures. During our brief tour, you will learn about the participating actors, how this space was created, what services are available, and how everything operates.

from 6 p.m.: Get together at Kubata at Afrika Yetu (Berlin Global Village)

Childcare and Children’s Program

9 a.m. – 6 p.m.: Childcare

Childcare is offered for (small) children between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. in the Ludothek global. Geraldine (pronouns: she/she, black positioned) looks after the kids in German, English and French. Please make sure you register for the childcare and the activities for children.

2 p.m. – 6 p.m.: Upcycling Printing and Collage Workshop for Children and Families (from 5 years)

Organizer: The crafting and collage workshop is hosted by experienced artists from the Children’s Art Workshop of KoduKu e.V.

Families with children aged 4-5 and older are warmly invited to join us in crafting and creating collages about our dream city together. We will work creatively on ideas using a variety of salvaged materials. Together, we will draw, stamp, and glue, creating a large communal artwork or developing smaller formats that you are welcome to take home.

12 p.m. and 2 p.m.: Kamishibai: Dudu and the chocolate (5 to 8 years)

Organizer: Baobab Berlin e.V.

An educational program for children from ages 5 to 8.

Dudu travels to the Ivory Coast with a magic necklace and meets Jitu, who has fled from a cocoa plantation. They both get lost in the rainforest, but on a forest elephant they reach a village with a cocoa cooperative and learn where the chocolate comes from and what fair trade can achieve.

The stories are told using an interactive Japanese paper theater, the Kamishibai.



Please register here.


The two panel discussions will be translated in English and German.

Most of the workshops will be held in German; there is one workshop in English (A1) and one in Portuguese (A7).

If you are willing to offer us your assistance with translation into other languages, please indicate this when registering.

Barrier-free accessibility

The rooms are accessible without staircase on the first floor and the seminar rooms in both buildings are accessible by elevator.

Barrier-free toilet facilities are available on the second and fourth floors of the new part of the building. There are four parking spaces for people with disabilities in front of the building.

Safer Space

There are rooms and workshop-formats that are only aimed at a specific target group. Please check whether you are one of them before you register.


Photos will be taken at the event and used for BER’s public relations work. Anyone who does not wish to be photographed can indicate this when registering.


We know that there are no discrimination-free spaces and that mistakes are not always avoidable. It is our shared responsibility to create spaces that are as sensitive to discrimination as possible. For this reason, we have adopted this code of conduct for an open and respectful communication:

  • We look after ourselves and each other.
  • We listen to each other.
  • We are aware of our own speaking time.
  • We tolerate different opinions and positions. Discriminatory statements or behaviour have no place at the conference.
  • We do not question the (discrimination) experiences and boundaries of other people.
  • People who have experienced discrimination are not responsible for educating and/or sensitising others.
  • The conference should be as safe a place as possible for children and young people, free from discrimination and violence. Adults contribute to this.

In addition, the following information is important: Some offers are designed as Safer Spaces only for people with experiences of discrimination. Before taking part, please check whether you belong to the group and can participate. In the spirit of collective mindfulness, a quiet room is available on the 4th floor of the new building. In addition, an awareness team will be on site to offer support and promote respectful interaction. You can recognise them by their purple waistcoats.

If you notice something or find yourself in an unpleasant situation, please contact a member of the BER team (recognisable by the yellow name badges), the workshop leader, the MINCE e.V. awareness team (the phone number will be made available at the conference) or by telephone/message to the conference telephone (the phone number will be made available at the conference).

We reserve the right to make use of our rights to premises and to exclude from the event any persons who express right-wing extremist, racist, anti-Semitic, sexist or any discriminatory attitudes or display disruptive behaviour.

Childcare and children’s Program

Childcare is offered for children between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. in the Ludothek global. Geraldine (pronouns: she/she, positioned in black) looks after the children in German, English and French. Please make sure you register for the childcare and the children’s activities.

There are two educational activities for children aged 5 and over: an interactive reading with the Kamishibai and an upcycling workshop.

How to find us

The Berlin Global Village is located on the site of the former Kindl brewery in Berlin Neukölln and is easily accessible by public transport:

U7 Rathaus Neukölln
U8 Boddinstraße
Bus stop Morusstraße

There are two parking spaces for people with limited mobility directly in front of the Berlin Global Village. The nearest parking spaces are available in the PARK ONE parking garage in Rollbergstrasse.

Child safety

The protection of children at the conference is the responsibility of the organizers and all participants. The conference should be a safe place for children and young people, safe from discrimination and possible violence in all its forms. We want to counteract the structural power imbalance between adults and children by creating a culture of awareness of children’s rights and interests.


Snacks and drinks will be available from 9:00 – 12 p.m.

At lunchtime from 12 p-m. – 4 p.m. there will be a vegetarian and gluten-free lunch from Pan Africa.

After 4 p.m. sweet pastries will be offered. From 6 p.m., drinks can be purchased at the Kubata at Afrika Yetu.

The conference takes place with the financial support of the State Agency for Development Cooperation and Engagement Global with funds from the BMZ. The funded institution alone is responsible for the content of the activities. The positions expressed here do not reflect the views of the Berlin Senate Department for Economics, Energy and Public Enterprises or the BMZ.