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SLE TRAINING Facilitation Skills and Moderation

07Nov(Nov 7)9:3011(Nov 11)17:00SLE TRAINING Facilitation Skills and ModerationFacilitation is a working method which plays an increasingly important role in professional everyday life.9:30 - 17:00 (11)(GMT-11:00) VeranstalterSeminar für Ländliche Entwicklung (SLE)ThemenGlobales Lernen,SonstigesFormatOnline-Seminar/Workshop


In facilitated processes the factual and the emotional relationship
level are equally important. A professional facilitator must be able to
shape both levels simultaneously and evenly to create a constructive and
open-minded atmosphere in working groups. The focus of this training
course is on the „how“ – giving the participants concrete suggestions
for practical use.

Course Objectives
TThe participants learn how they can effectively chair a meeting and
facilitate teams and groups in a results-oriented manner. They are
provided with proven methods, tips and techniques for facilitating
meetings and workshops effectively. They will increase their
self-confidence as facilitators.

Course Content

  • The role of a facilitator
  • Preparing a facilitation
  • Conducting a facilitation
  • The course of facilitation
  • Facilitation methods
  • Dealing with problems in meetings
  • After the facilitation

Course Methods

TThe focus of the course is on practical exercises. The participants are
invited to practise facilitation and to experience themselves in the
role of a facilitator.

Target Group
Participants should be familiar with basic communication skills such as active listening and constructive communication.

General information
The five-day training course
takes place at the Centre for Rural Development (SLE),
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Course hours are from 9.00 am until 5.00
pm from Monday to Friday unless otherwise noted.

The tuition fee is 895,- euros per participant.

This includes:

– 5-day training course at SLE in the heart of Berlin

– Catering during coffee breaks

– Photo-Documentation

– Certificate of participation is issued by Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Apply through the online enrolment form:



7.11.2022 9:30 - 11.11.2022 17:00(GMT-11:00)


Seminar für Ländliche Entwicklung, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Robert-Koch-Platz 4, 10115 Berlin

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